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Public Employee Relations Board

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How to File a Matter Before the Board?

A photo of a stack of written complaints

All documents submitted to the Board for initial filing must be submitted electronically except in the case of an individual acting pro se.  (Filing "Pro Se" indicates the complaint party is appearing for oneself, as in the case of one who does not retain a lawyer and appears for himself or herself in court.) For instructions and training on e-filing please visit

Documents Sent by US Mail or Messenger

Documents received by mail or hand delivered to the office will not be accepted if they are sent for the purpose of filing.  Any party submitting a filing by US Mail or messenger will be notified that they are not in compliance and instructed to resubmit the filing electronically.  Noncompliance will result in unnecessary delay in processing and possible dismissal of the matter.   

Documents sent by Certified Mail are not delivered to this office and are held at the US Post Office.  Sending items by certified mail will result in a substantial delay in the processing of the filing.

When filing a complaint with the Public Employee Relations Board, please refer to the PERB Rules to make sure that your filing satisfies the necessary requirements.  All complaints should contain the following:

  • A caption setting forth the name of the Board, the title of the proceeding and the case number.
  • Signature of the complainant
  • Complainant’s name, address and telephone number
  • Respondent’s name, address and telephone number
  • Name, address and telephone number of the complainant’s representative (if any)
  • A clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged violation (the statement should include information concerning the date, time and place of the occurrence of each particular act alleged, and make reference to the section of the Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act which has been violated
  • A statement of the relief sought
  • A statement concerning whether any other related proceedings exist concerning the facts contained in the complaint.  If a related proceeding exists, a statement should be made regarding the status of the related proceeding; [This requirement is also critical to the mandatory mediation procedures.  In order to satisfy the mission of mediation, all related matters shall be raised during the mediation process] and
  • A certificate of service naming the parties who have been served with a copy of the complaint and the form of service, i.e. via hand delivery, US Mail or email (please note that Board Rules require that every named party should be served with a copy of the complaint).
Service Contact: 
Public Employee Relations Board
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
(202) 727-1822
Contact Fax: 
(202) 727-9116
Contact TTY: 
Office Hours: 
Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm