Open Government Material
The District is committed to a transparent, open form of government. District agency websites are required to make certain records available online to the public, if those records exist. In cases where these records exist but are not yet available online, agencies are working to provide them as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the FOIA Officer.
- Public Employee Salary Information (Please note that this is the complete listing of District employees. Agency designation is located in column two.)
- PERB’s FY24 Budget
- P-Card Transactions
- Procurements and Payments
- District-wide FOIA Reports
FOIA Information
If you cannot find the information you are looking for here or elsewhere on, you can submit a FOIA request online via the DC government Public FOIA Portal. Requests may also be submitted by mail, fax or email. However, please note that FOIA requests submitted online will be easier to track and process.
To understand the process before making a request, please see
FOIA Officer
The FOIA Officer is the principal contact point within PERB for advice and policy guidance on matters pertaining to the administration of the FOIA. All requests are handled professionally and expeditiously. PERB’s FOIA Officer’s information is listed below.
Elizabeth "Lisa" Slover
PERB Attorney Advisor
Public Employee Relations Board (PERB)
1100 Fourth Street, SW Ste 630E
Washington, DC 20024
Office: (202) 727-1822
[email protected]
FOIA Letters of Denial
Under 1 DCMR 413.2, “[e]ach agency shall maintain a file, open to the public, which shall contain copies of all letters of denial.” Pursuant to 1 DCMR 413.3, “[w]here the release of the identity of the requester or other identifying details related to the request would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, the agency shall delete identifying details from the copies of the documents maintained in the public files.” In compliance with those regulations, PERB has provided copies of its letters of denial, with identifying details redacted.