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Public Employee Relations Board

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Section 516 - Petition to Amend Certification

516.1 - Contents 

An exclusive representative shall file a petition with the Board to amend its certification whenever there is a change in the identity of the exclusive representative that does not raise a question concerning representation (e.g., whether the employees have designated a particular organization as their bargaining agent). A change in the identity of the representative that does not raise a question concerning representation may include a change in the name of the labor organization. A petition raising a question concerning representation shall also meet the requirements of Section 502 of these rules. The Petition shall meet the requirements of Section 501 of these rules and shall also contain the following: 

(a) The name, address and telephone number of the employer as shown in the certification; 

(b) The name, address and telephone number of the exclusive representative, as shown in the certification; 

(c) The name, address and telephone number of petitioner's representative; and 

(d) A description of the proposed amendment.


516.2 - Action by Board 

The Board shall grant or deny the petition following the appropriate investigation which may include a hearing and recommendation to the Board by the Executive Director.