The Public Employee Relations Board (PERB or Board) is an impartial, quasi-judicial, independent agency that resolves labor-management disputes involving agencies of the District government and labor organizations representing agency employees. The Board operates under the District of Columbia Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act (CMPA). The Board accepts pleadings under the following categories:
Bargaining Unit Representation
- Exclusive Recognition and Non-compensation bargaining unit determination
- Compensation bargaining unit determination
- Compensation or non-compensation bargaining unit modification
- Certification and de-certification of labor organizations as exclusive bargaining representatives
- Elections for determining bargaining unit representation
Labor/Management Dispute Resolution
- Unfair Labor Practice Complaints
- Grievance Arbitration Award Appeals
- Standards of Conduct Complaints
Collective Bargaining
- Scope of Bargaining Negotiability Appeals
- Impasse Resolution:
- Impasse resolution in compensation negotiations
- Impasse resolution in non-compensation negotiations
Service Contact:
Public Employee Relations Board
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
(202) 727-1822
Contact Fax:
(202) 727-9116
Contact TTY:
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm